Order Your Copy of Isokan UI's Triumph Magazine Today!

We’re thrilled to present the latest edition of Isokan UI’s Triumph Magazine – a captivating compilation of inspiring stories, uplifting messages, and thought-provoking articles that celebrate the triumphs of our community.

Isokan @40 Anniversary Magazine

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To get your hands on this enriching publication, ordering is just a click away! Simply place your order online, and we’ll ensure that a copy is delivered straight to your doorstep, bringing the essence of our fellowship right into your hands.

  • Inspiring Content

    Discover stories of faith, community, and triumph that will uplift and encourage you in your own journey.

  • Stay Connected

    Even if you're miles away, the Triumph Magazine is a bridge that connects you to the heart of Isokan UI, keeping you updated on the latest happenings and events.

  • Support Isokan

    By ordering a copy, you contribute to the ongoing initiatives and projects of Isokan UI, helping us continue the work that makes a positive impact.

At Isokan U.I, our mission is to create a space where individuals can encounter the transformative power of God’s love, fostering spiritual growth, community engagement, and a deepened connection with our Creator. We are dedicated to living out the teachings of Christ, impacting lives within and beyond our community.

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