Welcome to Mount Zion A Place of Prayers Our Isokan

We are a body of Christian youths in the Cherubim and Seraphim fold burning for God. A member of Unification for Campus Fellowships for students of the University of Ibadan. 

isokan ui president

My sincere appreciation to all the Graduate members at home and abroad thank you for your love towards the fellowship, Thank you for your constant advice and support, I pray that God’s presence will never you. God will continue to uphold the love and unity of the fellowship in your heart in Jesus’ name.

I am honored to serve as your President and look forward to witnessing the blessings that God has in store for Isokan U.I fellowship.

Thank you for your faith, your love, and your commitment to this journey of grace. Let us walk together, hand in hand, as we seek to glorify God in all that we do.

In Christ’s love,

President, Cherubim&Seraphim Unification Campus Fellowship Isokan U.I

President's Address

As we come together in a spirit of worship and harmony, grace and peace be with you all. Being here in your presence as the President is a great honor and a privilege.

Let us be motivated by Christ’s example and love one another as He has loved us as we begin this new chapter. Isokan U.I is more than just a place to get together; it’s an expression of God’s love. Let us engage in encounters with kindness, compassion, and understanding, illuminating the light of Christ for everyone we come into contact with.

Isokan U.I let us intensify our prayer life in the upcoming days, asking God to give us discernment and wisdom in everything we do. Let’s live out the Gospel in our daily lives as a fellowship, changing the lives of people around us and becoming known not just for our words but also for our acts.

Over the past four decades, we have shared in each other’s joys and sorrows, strengthened our faith through prayer and worship, and embraced the teachings that guide us on our spiritual path. Together, we have created a space where love, compassion, and understanding flourish.

As we reflect on the years gone by, let us also look forward with hope and anticipation for the future. Our shared commitment to Christ and one another has been the cornerstone of our fellowship, and it is this foundation that will continue to sustain us in the years to come.

May the bonds we’ve forged grow stronger, may our shared mission of spreading love and kindness thrive, and may the light of our faith continue to illuminate our lives and the lives of those around us. 40 years of unwavering dedication, and the countless moments of grace that have shaped our journey.

Building a Relationship with God in 3 Steps

Step into the Light: Discover God's Presence

Embark on the transformative journey of building a relationship with God. Step into the light and explore the profound presence of the Divine. In quiet moments of reflection, let His light illuminate your path, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of His infinite love.

Nurture Through Prayer: Speak to God Daily

Cultivate a conversational connection with God through the powerful tool of prayer. Establish a sacred space for dialogue, pouring out your hopes, fears, and gratitude. In prayer, find solace, strength, and guidance. 

Immerse in His Word: Get to Know Him More

Allow the Scriptures to be a guiding light, revealing His promises, wisdom, and unfailing love. Immerse yourself in the teachings, and watch as your connection with God grows, anchoring you in His eternal embrace.

isokan ui mountain top

Isokan UI Started in 1984

The vision of the church (chapter) was conceived by the Cherubim & Seraphim students from the University of Ife. It was the central leadership of the church (referred to as Leaders In Council / ‘LIC’) and led by Apostle / Prophet Moses Olusegun Rufai who later became the ‘Leader In Charge’ of the church that came for the church planting in UI 

During the first week of December 1984 (precisely Tuesday 4th December), the leadership of the church under the instructions of the Holy Spirit and led by Apostle/Prophet M.O Rufai came with some brethren from Ife to the University of Ibadan to mobilize the C & S students on campus to start a fellowship. The entourage included the following brothers (Peter Osunde, Revd. Ajibade Adeyemo, Akinsola, Charles & Scott).

Upcoming Isokan Events

We are thrilled to announce a series of upcoming events that promise to uplift, inspire, and strengthen our bond as a fellowship. Mark your calendars and join us for these moments of fellowship, growth, and celebration

Isokan UI's 40th Anniversary

DateFebruary 25th, 2024

Covenant Mountaintop Service

Date7th Sunday in a new Session

Covenant Prayer

DateLast Friday in October

Why Should You Join Isokan?

Vibrant Community

Become part of a dynamic community of Christian youths who share your values, aspirations, and commitment to spiritual growth. At Isokan, you’ll find a supportive network of like-minded individuals who will uplift and inspire you on your journey.

Deep Spiritual Nourishment

Experience profound spiritual nourishment through engaging worship services, prayer gatherings, and Bible studies. Dive into the richness of God’s Word and discover new depths of understanding and connection with Him.

Meaningful Relationships

Forge meaningful relationships that go beyond surface interactions. In Isokan, you’ll find genuine friendships built on a foundation of faith, trust, and shared experiences. Together, we’ll walk through life’s joys and challenges, supporting and encouraging one another along the way.

Impactful Outreach

Make a tangible difference in the lives of others through our various outreach initiatives and community service projects. Join hands with fellow Isokan members in spreading love, compassion, and hope to those in need, both within our community and beyond.

A Place to Belong

Find a place where you are accepted and valued just as you are. Cherubim and Seraphim Unification, Isokan UI, is more than just a fellowship, it’s a family where you can be yourself, grow in faith, and experience the unconditional love of God in a tangible way.

Remember the widow's Mite?
Your Little donations will go a long way!

Wondering Which Isokan Projects You can sponsor?

Supporting Isokan UI’s projects is a wonderful way to make a positive impact and contribute to the growth and outreach efforts of the fellowship. Here are some Isokan projects you can consider sponsoring:

The Isokan Bus Project aims to enhance the fellowship’s mobility and outreach capabilities. This initiative seeks sponsorship to acquire a dedicated bus that will facilitate transportation for various fellowship activities, community outreach programs, and events. Your support will play a crucial role in expanding the reach and impact of Isokan within and beyond our community.

Upgrading our audio equipment is crucial for enhancing the worship experience of our congregation. The purchase of a new amplifier and speakers will ensure that everyone can hear the message clearly and participate fully in our services.

Repairing and maintaining our fellowship’s roof is essential for ensuring the safety and comfort of our members. This project will address any existing issues and prevent further damage, allowing us to continue gathering together in a secure environment.

A Holy Nation, A Royal Priesthood, A Chosen Generation

As we stand united under the banner of a holy nation, a royal priesthood, and a chosen generation, let us walk in the light of His grace, acknowledging the responsibility and privilege that comes with our divine identity. May our lives, individually and collectively, shine as beacons of hope, reflecting the glory of our Heavenly Father to a world in need of His love and redemption.

He is Knocking!
Let Christ Into Your Life

At Isokan U.I, our mission is to create a space where individuals can encounter the transformative power of God’s love, fostering spiritual growth, community engagement, and a deepened connection with our Creator. We are dedicated to living out the teachings of Christ, impacting lives within and beyond our community.

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