
Thank you for considering a donation to Isokan U.I! Your support plays a vital role in helping us fulfill our mission of creating a vibrant, spiritually enriching community that impacts lives and spreads the love of Christ.

For God Loves a cheerful giver

isokan bus project

Bus Project

Our fellowship aims to acquire a dedicated bus to facilitate transportation for various church activities, outreach programs, and events. This project will enable us to reach more people and serve our community more effectively.

Eternal Life (3)

Purchase of a new amplifier and speakers

Upgrading our audio equipment is crucial for enhancing the worship experience of our congregation. The purchase of a new amplifier and speakers will ensure that everyone can hear the message clearly and participate fully in our services.


Roofing Project

Repairing and maintaining our church’s roof is essential for ensuring the safety and comfort of our members. This project will address any existing issues and prevent further damage, allowing us to continue gathering together in a secure environment.

How You Can Help

Consider making a one-time donation or setting up a recurring contribution towards one or more of these projects.

Share this campaign with friends, family, and fellow church members who may be interested in supporting these initiatives.

Keep our church and these projects in your prayers, asking for God's guidance and provision throughout the fundraising process.

Ready to Make a Donation?

Every donation, regardless of the amount, has a significant impact on our ability to serve the community, foster spiritual growth, and make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. Your generosity helps sustain the mission and vision of Isokan U.I.

Thank you for partnering with us in advancing the Kingdom of God. Your support is instrumental in building a community where faith flourishes, and lives are transformed. May God richly bless you for your generosity!

He is Knocking!
Let Christ Into Your Life

At Isokan U.I, our mission is to create a space where individuals can encounter the transformative power of God’s love, fostering spiritual growth, community engagement, and a deepened connection with our Creator. We are dedicated to living out the teachings of Christ, impacting lives within and beyond our community.

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Isokan UI'S Account Details

Account Number: 2035278458

Bank: First Bank
C&S Church Unification, University of Ibadan Project account.